Bring Fair Play to your team
and unleash everyone’s full potential 

There is an unequal distribution of domestic labor in our country and organizations have the opportunity to address it.

Mothers with full time careers grapple with the “double shift.” Which refers to juggling both a full time paid job and the majority of domestic and mental labor it requires to run a household.

According to recent studies by both Deloitte and McKinsey:

  • 57% of women—nearly 60% for women of color—plan to leave their workplaces in the next two year or less, while 21% say they will leave sooner than that, all citing lack of work-life balance.

  • Most women described feeling as if they always had to be "on" for work, with only 22% saying they feel their employers have helped them establish clear boundaries between work and personal time.

  • Nearly a quarter of mothers said they worried that their work performance was being judged negatively because of their caregiving responsibilities, compared with 11% of fathers.

  • New mothers take on more housework than their husbands, and even more so when the woman makes more money, according to research from the Institute of Family Studies.

The solution? Bring Fair Play to your team! Fair Play is a research backed method for distributing household tasks fairly. When men are encouraged to reach their full potential at home, women can reach their full potential at work.

90 Minute Fair Play Introduction - Learn the basics of the Fair Play Method. Walk away from this session educated and inspired to bring the solution to your home. Great for leadership development and employee resource groups.

Fair Play Documentary Screening - Bring the Fair Play Documentary to your organization. Written, produced and directed by Jennifery Sibel Newsom in partnership with Hello Sunshine, Fair Play demonstrates how private lives are public issues, by making the invisible care work historically held by women visible. This documentary inspires a more equitable and intentionally balanced future.

Employers cannot afford to ignore or minimize the hardships that millions of women now face. InfiniDEI’s founder, Tara Ryan is a certified Fair Play Facilitator.

Fair Play Method Tara Ryan Infinidei
Infinidei Tara Ryan Fait Play Life Method

Tara with Eve Rodsky, Author of Fair Play at an event in New York City.

Fair Play Life Method

Defining Fair Play

Do you have too much to do? Fair Play outlines a system for how to divide up household tasks fairly, based on your needs.


What will Fair Play help your team gain

Fair Play Life Method